
ADES Expands Global Footprint to an Eleventh Country through a Jackup Drilling Contract in Nigeria, Marking its First Entry into West Africa

Element ListExplanation
Date of Announcement of the Award 2025-01-09 Corresponding to 1446-07-09
Contract Subject Matter Charter Agreement of Jackup Drilling unit
The Entity with Which the Contract was Signed Valiant Offshore Contractors Limited
Date of Signing the Contract 2025-01-08 Corresponding to 1446-07-08
Contract Value The value of the charter contract between ADES and Valiant is estimated at SAR 81.8 million (USD 21.8 million), which represents a percentage from the drilling contract between Brittania-U and Valiant. The charter revenue generated by ADES should be mostly reflected in its EBITDA and profitability.
Contract Details ADES Holding co. , announce that its offshore jackup rig “Admarine 504” has been awarded a drilling contract in Nigeria with Brittania-U, an indigenous integrated energy company that operates across the oil and gas value chain in Nigeria.

Contract Scope and Duration: The contract is to drill and complete six wells within an estimated duration of 365 days. Operations are expected to commence in the second quarter of 2025.

Operating Structure: Operations of the rig to be jointly handled by ADES and Valiant Offshore Contractors Limited (in-country partner) under a charter structure, where ADES will provide the rig along with its senior crew and relevant management systems to Valiant against a charter fee. In return, Valiant shall fulfill its drilling obligations under its contract with Brittania-U.

Contract Duration Contract Scope and Duration: The contract is to drill and complete six wells within an estimated duration of 365 days.
Financial Impact and the Relevant Period Operations are expected to commence in the second quarter of 2025
Related Parties N/A
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